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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why Business Owners Should Pay Attention To Mobile Marketing

This is a great article/video talking about Mobile Marketing. The facts stand behind mobile marketing! Here is just a small part of her article:

"Because we are bombarded daily by so many emails, open rates using autoresponder services, if you're good, are around 30%.
If you have 1,000 people on your email marketing list, and you send out an email, if you're good, 300 people will open it.
Take into consideration the open rates of text messages using mobile marketing platforms, such as monster follow up.
The open rate stats on mobile marketing SMS is 97% to 98%.
Using the same math, having 1,000 mobile marketing subscribers, you will get 970 to 980 out of the 1,000 people to read your SMS text message.
So as you can see, the power of mobile marketing is huge, giving 3 times the open rate versus traditional email marketing."

Read the full article here   Better Networker

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